PCOS | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – Understanding Symptoms & Treatment

I met with Dr. Aliabadi to learn more about PCOS, so that I can now share the causes, symptoms, treatments and all of that good stuff with you guys. What is PCOS? Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a very common condition that affects 6% of the population of women in their reproductive age. It is […]

How I Lost 10 Pounds in my 20’s

I feel like I’m always talking about what I do now to stay healthy, but in this article, I want to take you guys back to what I did originally — when I had a little bit of extra weight to lose and was starting from scratch. Being Persian, I grew up eating pretty healthy […]

Hair Growth Tips for Longer & Healthier Hair

If you’re looking for fuller, thicker, and all around *healthier* hair, then read through this whole article for my top 3 tips :) I think that healthier, thicker hair is something we all really strive for as men and women. It’s that one thing we ALL can probably agree we want to figure out how […]

Meal Prep Ideas for the Week

If you want ideas on how to food-prep to save you some time, save you some money and make your life more efficient, keep reading this article. My food prep is different from a lot of other food prep you might find because a lot of those people are fitness people or people who really […]

Eat This Not That – Healthy Food Swaps

Today I want to show you 4 of my top food swaps that will make a big difference in your waistline and in your energy. Food swaps are not always the most obvious things …definitely not always calorie for calorie. That’s why I’m really excited to share some little tips that will make a big […]

How to Exfoliate Your Skin From Home

If you feel like your skin is looking a little dull or your makeup isn’t going on as smoothly as you want it to, keep reading to find out about the 2 types of exfoliation and when you should use each one to get your skin looking bright, glowing and smooth. The Advantages to Exfoliation […]

Recipe: Morning Beauty Berry Smoothie

If you’re looking for a healthy breakfast alternative that will keep you full and give you energy throughout the WHOLE morning, keep reading for the easiest, yummiest smoothie recipe. This is kind of a play off my morning glowing skin smoothie, but we’re adding in a little more antioxidant, giving it a little more oomph […]

Recipe: Salad For Healthy Skin

Today, my good friend Rawvana and I want to show you an amazing skin food recipe. This salad is really easy to make, and every single ingredient in it is great for your skin and will give you a glow. In Yovana Mendoza’s youtube channel, Rawvana, she shares tons of vegan recipes, specifying in helping […]

Best Acne Treatments – Product Review

Today, we’re talking all about acne. I’m going to go through all the different over-the-counter options, share what works best for different types of acne and give you examples of products that I really like. A Little Background on Acne You can get acne at any age. So many different factors play into it: hereditary, […]

Healthy Tips to Reduce Bloating

This blog is all about a topic that women and men alike experience: bloating. Whenever you’re trying to treat a problem you want to figure out the root rather than just putting a bandaid on it. So here’s the 3 possible underlying causes for your bloating: Air: This seems so weird but there are certain […]