How Self Talk Can Affect Your Body

“Choose your thoughts wisely. Your body is listening.”
I’ve been thinking a lot about that and want to dive a little deeper into what that ^^ means.
How to Stop Sugar Cravings

Today’s post is all about sugar cravings: why we crave sugar, why we sometimes think we crave sugar and little tips and tricks you can do to eliminate it. Our brains can make us think certain things that we’re not actually feeling …it’s almost like the placebo effect. It’s a good thing in some ways […]
Dark Circles Symptoms and Treatment

If you feel like you constantly have dark circles under your eyes, but can’t figure out what’s causing it or how to treat it, keep reading to learn different causes and how to treat each of them. Hopefully you can read through these, identify with what you think is causing it for you, and treat […]
How I’ve Been Treating My Hyperpigmentation

No lasers… just alternating 5 topicals everyday!
Quick Travel Tips: Wellness & Beauty

Wanted to share these tips that i’ve been LIVING by while i travel. They’re all super easy & inexpensive and will have you walking off the plane fresh, hydrated and with a little glow 🤩
The Best Pre-Party Snacks

Went to an event a couple weeks ago and was STARVING by the end of it. To avoid feeling hangry or antsy to leave a party to go eat, I created a great rule of thumb…
Recipe: Vegan Persian Food

Wanted to share this amazing vegan Persian recipe. Watch this fun video I filmed with my dad, and I’ve also written out all ingredients!
Recipe: DIY Healthy Latte

This is the latte I’ve been making every morning 🖤It’s such a money saver and it’s really just the perfect way to start your day. It’s super healthy and it literally only takes 5 minutes :)
SPF- Things You NEED To Know

Here is everything you NEED to know about SPF and certain brands I recommend!
Favorite Vegan Brand Substitutes

You can pretty much make anything plant-based, which is why I never feel food deprived! I really want to get this point across and help anyone reading this who wants to get healthier.