You’ve probably heard me talk about hyperpigmentation for the last 3 years. Well, turns out it’s melasma! I got diagnosed by a specialist (Dr. Pearl Grimes) who informed me that it’s partly hereditary, so I have the gene, but can be triggered by sun exposure, heat and hormone imbalances. There is no curing it, but you can maintain it.
She’s been having me do a topical routine the last 4 months and I have to say it’s really working well. Slowly, but surely. She was insistent on me avoiding lasers for a while until it’s under control, because the laser could drive the pigment deeper into the skin (and this is especially true for anyone with olive skin, like me).
Check out this quick video I filmed sharing my updates. And here’s a list of the ingredients written below:
1: Hydroquinone every night at step 1 (was using it every morning and night, now just in the evening)
2: cysteamine every morning for 30 minutes then rinse (was using for 15 minutes, we bumped up to 30 minutes)
3: glycolic cream – 2 nights a week applied 15-30 mins after hydroquinone
4: retinol – 2 nights a week applied 15-30 mins after hydroquinone *liquid peel pad – one night a week. Use first then hydroquinone 30 – 40 mins after⠀
5: bleach 5.5% – stronger hydroquinone, use once every 10 days (on it’s own – not with anything else layered)!
*Note – these are all compounded by my doctor so I don’t have specific links to share. But everyone’s strengths will be different so you wouldn’t want to be on the exact same regimen I’m on anyway. This is just meant to give you an idea of How I’m treating it!